Board of Directors

The Board has a responsibility to not only to preserve and raise funds for the physical structure of the building, but to maintain its supportive infrastructure management, including heating, electricity, plumbing, appliances, lighting, cleanliness, and parking maintenance.

President Joseph Behn
Vice President Bronwyn Hannon
Vice President Carol Barnett
Secretary, Interim Rita Lavery
Treasurer Lucinda Buckley
Nancy Clark
Patrick Spillman
Chuck Heaphy
Minerva Campbell
Alexandra Hannon
Richard Dorsey, deceased
Margo Allen
Karen Balsen
Kevin Albert
Elizabeth M. Hurley

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Malden Bridge Community Center Inc. is to provide a facility that welcomes the involvement and interests of all members of the community in an inviting and inexpensive format. It is our hope that residents continue to use the Center for personal and community gatherings, full details are available on our website. The Malden Bridge Community Center is a not-for-profit organization and is located in beautiful and historic Columbia County, New York in the Hudson River Valley. Malden Bridge Community Center, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.